Monday, September 19, 2011

A cookie monster.

Everyone, meet Cookie, my new foster kitten. She was picked up by the feral cat spay/neuter-release program and deemed too tame to re-release. They surgically remove part of the left ear while they're under anesthesia to tag cats that have already been altered so they don't cut open an animal unnecessarily. I think it's adorable because it fits her name; she looks like someone's taken a bite out of her.

She's cute on a stick and one of the most demanding, cuddly cats I've ever known.


  1. Awwwww! What a cuddly little darling!!

  2. Are you going to keep her? She's adorable!

  3. I wish I could, she and Mama get along so well. But no. If my husband's allergies can even tolerate one cat still remains to be seen.
